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イワタルリ作品:No.899251 1989年
>> 2024年5月16日(木)~21日(火) 柿傳ギャラリーにて
  イワタルリ展 ➖色彩と造形の器➖ を開催いたします。
  在廊日 5月16日(木)、18日(土)、19日(日)、21日(火)
​  場所 柿傳ギャラリー (03−3352−5118)
>> 2022年4月2日(土)~2023年3月26日(日) 山口県立萩美術館・浦上記念館にて
 《茶室》 イワタルリ GLASS×鉄×茶室 を開催しております。











The "Something" in Ruri Iwata's Glassware

  What do humans create artworks for?  Every single artist has a different idea about art's purpose, and it differs also according to the work of art.  And yet, no one can really give a clear answer to the question "What is art for?"  It is because the human activities that are called "the arts" have no purpose on their own.  Such activities that "have no purpose," in other words "useless" activities, have however been carried out continuously in history.  Why is that?


  Ruri Iwata's glassware creations are useful.  They function physically ---- and indeed well ---- as tableware for food or as flower bowls or as lamps in their owners' living spaces.


  As long as they "function" in such physical ways, they do play roles in everyday life.  And yet, if you look at them a little closer and deeper, you may notice that "something" other than their function was put into the works by the artist.  The existence of this "something" is critical for art to be art.


  And it is certain that Ruri Iwata's glass sculptures consist only of the "something."


  The four glass posts fastened to a cypress pillar and the giant beetle-shaped objects cannot be said to be "useful," yet the viewer's feeling "something" and deriving a bit of "something" from them multiplies the joy of their appreciation.  In the shapes, in the colors of the most finely detailed parts, in the texture of the surface... everywhere you find clues to that "something" dwelling everywhere in these works.


  To feel and derive "something" from artworks, one needs the human ability called imagination.  And to unleash your imagination, it is important to look very closely at what you see right there in front of you.


 Despite its "uselessness," art functions extensively in the imaginations of artists and viewers.  In the light of such effects of art, we understand that the initial question "What is art for?" involves the deepest essence of the human.


 Because of their meaninglessness and uselessness, the pursuit of art secures infinite freedom for both artists and viewers ---- so why not look at the glass objects lying right in front of you one more time?

Shimasaki Yoshinobu, art critic

(Translation by Fujimoto Asami)

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