(ひぐち まさき 資生堂企業文化部)
Bare Glass
Masaki Higuchi
The Glass Works of Ruri Iwata
There are times when I wish to ask an artist who creates three dimensional forms, why he or she chose to use their particular material. Naturally, they would have used the material most suited for what they want to express, and for that reason we might be able to infer what lies at the base of the artist’s soul. However, it is meaningless to pose this question forwards Ruri Iwata. As many may know, Ruri Awata is the daughter of Hisatoshi Iwata and the granddaughter of Toshichi Iwata, two great masters whose names cannot be omitted when we discuss the history of Japanese glass craft. Born into such a lineage, unless one feels a great rebellion, it is natural for them to select glass as their material when they endeavor to become a creator of forms. Still, if one suspects Ruri Iwata produces works succeeding the styles of Toshichi and Hisatoshi, it is not so at all. In fact, though Ruri Iwata, as the successor of IWATA GLASS Co., Ltd. does produce craft works that can be considered as a continuation of Toshichi and Hisatoshi’s works, she comes into her own with her enormous glass forms, which are so uniquely different, almost a mutation.
The impression we receive from Ruri Iwata’s works is extremely shocking. I can only say, it appears if this substance called glass just exists there, imposingly. Generally speaking, what comes into image when we think of glass as a work of art are gracefully curved vases, cut glass reflecting light alluringly, and stained glass filled with brilliant colors. These characteristics - being able to be created into fluid forms, reflecting and transmitting light - are qualities unique to glass, and for the reason many glass artists have produced works by making best use of these qualities. Likewise, Toshichi and Hisatoshi, and Ruri Iwata too, when she creates craft works, However, when Ruri Iata comes into her own, she does not seem to seems to take glass as a material with such properties, but as something more primal - which she calls “bare glass” - as she captures glass as it is, as substance.
Then, how did Ruri Iwata come into such a stance on her material?
She explains it it the following comment;
“I have always watched and felt as a child, that once glass is made to to a form, it became a ‘work’ created by some person, and no longer glass itself. They were of course beautiful, but not enough to me. Rather, I felt glass, melted and transparent in the kiln was more beautiful”
Her words alone, without any more wordy explanation sufficiently illuminates what Ruri Iwata wishes to express. When I visited IWATA GLASS Co., Ltd. for research this time, I was allowed to look inside the kiln. The softly glowing substance looked as if it was something other than glass. And when it was scooped form the kiln with a point rod, it touched air and glowed red. Soft as thick malt syrup, glowing red form its innermost center, it was extremely beautiful. This probably the moment Ruri Iwata watches.
It seems to me that the reason why Ruri Iwata chose to produce works by casting, a method that eliminates handling to the most, is to retain the being of the “bare glass.” The speciality of the Iwata family is “glass blowing,” which exercises a lavish procedure that can almost be called a performance. Ruri herself says the tension during production is the highest when she is creating by blowing. In contrast, casting, where hot glass is poured into a mold then cooled, over and over again, is a calm and quiet procedure. In a word, it is an act of contacting the work at a certain distance. That is why the existence of the “bare glass” is kept intact. Further speaking, it appears to me the immense size of the works, as well as the fact that they are composed of minimal geometric forms, have been carefully calculated in order to emphasize the material and substance of the glass.
Ruri Iwata, who has been producing such unique works, is currently approaching as expression that is more inlined towards an installation. It could be said that by this attempt. Ruri Iwata has completed the final steps in trying to extract the substance of the “bare glass,” and has now taken a step into expressing herself though the material of glass.
Under such circumstances, I do not know what her new works will look like at this time. Even more, Ruri Iwata herself probably does not yet know completely. In the end, the works will finally be completed at the exhibition. What impact will her works give us then? I eagerly look forward to witnessing the completion.